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Essay Writing: Done So Easily These Days

Writing essays has been an integral part of our lives since childhood. Writing is as important as speaking, listening, or even reading. In fact, it is the most important. But, it is not necessary that since we have been involved in writing for so long, we would be good writers as well. Inspiration is the only key to a good writer you see. The structures and syntax of English essays are more systematic than it meets the eye, and could prove to be extremely simple once one gets a hang of it.

Essay Writing

A typical essay is divided into five different paragraphs, each having a function to play and a huge role to provide to all writers. Let us discuss the structure of essays in details, so that even our young and upcoming writers can become essay writers.

The Introduction of it all:

The Introduction is the primary starting to the description of your thoughts and lets the readers know about your actual standing or position on the given topic. The vital component of an introduction passage is to provide a “hook” to the reader that enables him or her to be so engrossed in reading the entire essay. This”hook” could be anything from a proverb to some well-known words written by a famous personality. In short, your choice of words and the starting statement is crucial for you to become a good essay writer. You could also provide a mini preview of what your essay is going to be about, just so that the reader becomes absolutely sure whose side you are on. It is an art to provide sentences so that the reader is seamlessly transported from one thought to another. Therefore, try to follow your train of thoughts and streamline it in an organized manner.

The Body of the essay:

The second paragraph can be further divided into three more paragraphs, and can be marked as body1, body2 and body3. This is that particular paragraph that establishes your stand in more details and examples. Follow this particular paragraph with as many instances as you like to make the reader want to agree with you. Support them with various examples from the different avenues related to your field, or your known circle. Go as far wide you can possibly think of, in to your pool of knowledge and gather all evidences to support your stand and divide them into three distinct parts.

The Conclusion of it all:

The Conclusion is that part of your essay that culminates with all your ideas into a single, comprehensible paragraph or last lines. Never treat the conclusion as an afterthought. It is as important as any other previous paragraphs of the introduction or the body. The final statement to your essay, which will be a part of your conclusion, should be a call to action sentence or something that voices the global concern.

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