February 18, 2025
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Reputation Management Company Doesn’t Believe In Google Analytics

In the following article, Reputation Management Company explains why they think Google Analytics can be hurting your business.

Reputation Management

There are many reasons why Google Analytics (GA) can be so great. Truthfully, it is one of the easiest monitoring platforms to use. It must be a good platform because nearly every start-up, business, or entrepreneur uses it. The two biggest reasons that attract businesses to using GA though is that it works well with AdWords and most of all, it’s free.

According to Reputation Management Company, GA may be easy for first time users to set up and then just sit back and watch. The misconception is that GA will help your business grow online. It will not. It will only provide you with the numbers of web traffic to understand how to further grow your business based on the statistics. Getting numbers will not get you real insight. To interpret those numbers, says the co-founder of Reputation Management Company, one need to understand what they mean.

There is a lot that GA doesn’t do either. GA does not tell employees what people were spending their time on when they were on your website or why. It will say how long and who from where which for nearly all companies, is not specific enough information. Or, are our videos on YouTube or on our website engaging and/or retaining visitors or potential clients. Where did these clients come from? Can it track people who have “cookies” turned off on their devices or know if it is the same user coming in from another device?

Reputation Management Services knows that there is a lot of reason why individuals and companies may want to use GA. It is important for themselves to ask the right questions when exploring web analytic platforms. Do we have the ability to do everything it doesn’t do?

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