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Workplace Harassment & How To Deal With It

A human being in this fast paced world cannot survive without having a job. The world is revolving around money and one cannot live by himself in Walden. However, it is also true that getting fixed in a job is also fixed. According to a Toronto employment lawyer, most cases they get from the employs would be related to harassment. Now, there are hundreds of issues that a lawyer can take care of regarding the misdemeanour of a company. But, harassment is a very sensitive issue and most people don’t come to a lawyer until they have felt severe consequences of it. Most people don’t know that there are two types of harassment and let’s know about them.


  • Sexual Harassment

It can be explained by a very simple example often used by employment law firms in Toronto. A woman joins a company where she has to work with others to complete a project. A member of the team tries to pursue her sexually using means like physical contact, obscene messages or mails and sexual signs. The woman may feel very upset, but needs the job desperately. Therefore, she tries to bear all the insults and cope with the work in the best way possible. However, the harassment gets worse and she ultimately leaves her job.

But, there is no need for individuals to leave their jobs or take harsh decisions. The simplest of ways is to file a complaint against the individual with the help of an employment lawyer available in De Bousquet Law Toronto. The lawyer will send notices to the company as well as the individual representing the individual and expects a show cause for the behaviour of the employ. If the company responds and takes action, everything will go well for the victim. If the company or the individual lay false claims then the matter can be taken to court.

  • Non-Sexual Harassment

Believe it or not, according to a Toronto employment lawyer, the instances of non-sexual harassment are more in any company than the sexual harassment. It is mainly due to the fact that different individuals have different ideas about life and it doesn’t mean that one has to tolerate other for their behaviour.

Non-sexual harassment includes making fun of people based on behaviour, practices, religion, race, colour and gender. Further, it can be as simple a point as a superior trying to point out an individual during a meeting and make disrespectful comments.

What to do about harassment?

Before filing a complaint the victim must formally complain the situation to the superiors. If they do not respond properly then it is possible to sue the company in the court. According to employment law firms in Toronto, there are certain aspects one must try to fulfil before filing a case to make it more effective, they are as follows:

  • Noting down the events in a timeline and writing description of the harassment faced.
  • Making sure that there are witnesses who are willing to testify.
  • Reading company policies about harassment and the actions that can be taken.
  • Gathering all the evidence to ensure the person cannot escape by lying.

After collecting enough evidence and reading policies, submit a copy to the lawyer. The person involved in harassment cannot escape from law when there is solid evidence of his misdemeanour.

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